local factor中文什么意思

发音:   用"local factor"造句
  • local:    adj. 1.地方的,当地的,本地的 ...
  • factor:    n. 1.〔英国〕经销人;(代客买卖 ...
  • local factor etiology:    局部病因学因素
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  1. Local factors in the skin unrelated to allergy such as sweating and overhydration, tend to aggravate eczema .
  2. There are indeed national and local factors that contribute to persistent poverty in developing countries
  3. Host responses to implant treatment including systemic and local factors were also proven to be cor - related
  4. But global institutional rules also play an important role in its reproduction , in part by sustaining the national and local factors that affluent westerners most like to blame for the problem
    但是全球性的体制规则,部分地通过支持这些民族的和地方的因素- -这些因素是富裕的西方人在这个问题上最喜欢指责的- -对贫困的再生也起到了重要作用。
  5. In the near term , in addition to local factors , hong kong markets will continue to be influenced by other regional and global issues , such as unwinding of yen carry trade , rising risk of us economic slowdown , interest rates outlook , etc . hence , market volatility will rise further


  1. local extrapolation operator 什么意思
  2. local extremum 什么意思
  3. local fabrication 什么意思
  4. local facilities 什么意思
  5. local faction 什么意思
  6. local factor etiology 什么意思
  7. local factor of periodontal disease 什么意思
  8. local failure 什么意思
  9. local fairway 什么意思
  10. local fallout 什么意思


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